A Letter to My Sorority Sisters
To the Girls in Theta Omicron of ADPi,
It's been a pretty crazy year for me. I mean, moving to college away from family and my best friends was tough for me -- a lot tougher than I had anticipated. I felt very lost my first semester, the combination of not feeling fully at home here at JMU and not having too many friends yet made me feel very self conscious and just all out of sorts. Even throughout recruitment, I was very nervous that I wouldn't be able to find a home here.
That all changed the night I received my Bid Card from Alpha Delta Pi. That night, not knowing any of my new sisters, I met my very best friends. Who knew that going up to someone and saying "I literally know nobody here" would land you two of the greatest girls at school. Even after joining ADPi, and eventually finding a great spot here, college still brought the many ups and downs that it tends to. Long papers, roommate struggles, stress, new semesters, and more ADPi was there through it all. The one constant in the mix. If I didn't have Alpha Delta Pi, I would have been absolutely miserable my first semester here. I was so lost on the basis of my major and of a friend group and without y'all I would probably still be in limbo.
All I wanted when I joined was a great place to call home and a great organization to be apart of, although the other sororities on campus are all great, I can't see myself anywhere other than ADPi. Who knew that when I accepted my Bid Card and was initiated that I was joining a group of girls that would stay up until 1am with to watch the World Series, find a group of girls to come bring me ice cream when I'm having a bad day, or find group of girls who will always help me with whatever I need whenever I need a hand. I will admit, in the past I made fun of sororities. I didn't understand the idea of it. I now realize that it's one of those things where you don't understand the power of it until you're apart of it.
I'm excited to continue my journey with ADPi for the rest of my collegiate career as well as for the rest of my life. I'm excited to stick my pin to my bouquet at my wedding and I'm looking forward to spontaneously meeting sisters from across the country when I wear letters. I'm gearing up for next year and am excited for the many laughs, late nights, Bachelor Monday's, and other exciting things that being an ADPi brings. I also can't wait to live in the house with my best friends next year!! Thank every ADPi out there for being a great friend and sister -- you embody sorority in ever sense of the word! Diamonds are forever and so is our bond!
Peace and Pi Love,