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Life in Atlanta 2021

Is this thing on?? *tap* *tap*

Well I guess we haven't chatted since February, but really I would say not since early December of 2020. Somewhere along the way, after getting hacked, looking for a new job, apartment hunting and trudging through the monotony of this never-ending pandemic, I had to pare things down. The blog was it.

Since I took my nearly year-long hiatus, a lot has changed. Here's what's I've been up to since December.

I moved to Atlanta to work for the headquarters of my sorority, Alpha Delta Pi. I spent 9 months working in the marketing department as a marketing coordinator managing all of their social media, mentoring chapters and alumnae associations nationwide, creating graphics for various departments and more. It was a fast-paced job where every single day was different but overall, it wasn't for me.

I love Alpha Delta Pi. They were a pillar of my collegiate experience and will always cherish the memories I have from being a sister. I quickly figured out the job I was offered wasn't an accurate description of the work I was doing. And after getting a look behind the curtain, it was clear that higher education and working for greek life wasn't as sparkly as all the bid day glitter made it look. Sparing the not-so-favorable details, at the end of the day, I felt like I was meant for something else.

That job was exactly what I needed it to be though - a stepping stone to help me make a home in Atlanta. It served its purpose well. I met one of my best friends, moved to a new city, and most importantly, had a job during the peak of the pandemic. It allowed me to get my feet wet and taught me quick lessons about navigating the hierarchies of a small organization.

Now, I work for a mid-sized PR firm in Atlanta. I'm working with larger teams on very dynamic projects. Every day is different and exciting and new. The people are incredibly kind and I'm learning all the things sitting in a classroom and a textbook can't teach. The clients range from every product and service you can imagine and this job just feels right.

Since the last time we've chatted, I've added a few fun layers to my personal life. To stay active, I joined the local tennis league here. It's the largest tennis association in the country and finally gives me a consistent schedule for getting back on the court. In high school, people would always tell me how tennis was one of the best sports to play because I could carry it with me through life, now I know what they were talking about. I also joined a church and became a small group leader in an attempt to thwart my pipe dream of becoming a Catholic elementary school teacher. I really do love my parish community here in Atlanta and this is a perfect way to continue to meet people here.

My roommate and I moved apartments back in May about 3 miles uptown towards Buckhead. Our new home is within walking distance to restaurants, bars and friends which makes our little neighborhood that much more special.

My life in Atlanta and my ability to rely on myself and enjoy my own company has grown in tandem. I've gone to a few sporting events and concerts by myself and have even taken myself out to dinner a few times. In this season, I'm enjoying investing in myself and my career. I'm being a little selfish, saying no a little more to others and yes to myself more often. So far it's been a blast. There's so much to do in this city and exploring it one day at a time has brought me immense joy.

This time last year I was doubting my entire move here. I hated my job, I had only met a handful of people but hadn't invested enough time to establish true friendships. I was living in a dingy apartment, driving a car that never seemed to stay out of the shop, and working 7 days a week after taking on a second job. From finances, to friendship, to free time, I was burnt out just four months into my great adventure. Now, a full year later, I'm proud that I've stayed the course investing in relationships and myself along the way. I'm excited to see where the rest of the year takes me and I'm thrilled to be back blogging, documenting my years one post at a time.



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