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Family Pictures in Vineyard Vines

My family always talks about taking a family photo but we never do. The only real family picture we all gave is from my sister, Leslie's, college graduation last spring. A random man in the crowd snapped a quick picture for us, and that was it -- the only family picture we have. Now that Leslie has graduated and moved to Texas, we are never all together. This week, she joined us for our beach trip and we all got to spend a whole ~four hours~ together before Lisa had to leave for her internship. We seized the opportunity to take a family photo after 23 years of talking about taking one.

We decided to match in multi-colored Vineyard Vines tee shirts and white shorts. It turned out way better than I ever expected it to. In fact, I packed extra shirts and shorts just incase somebody forgot their own. I think these pictures are so cute, I already ordered some prints in them for my apartment! Enjoy!

My Outfit

Pink Whale Shirt c/o Vineyard Vines | White Denim Shorts c/o Vineyard Vines

Stay Preppy,



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