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Recruitment Recap & Photos

Well, hello there. Long time, no blog. I know, I know. I've been horrible these past few days but if I'm being frank, recruitment took over my life and now I'm trying to catch up on everything. School work, shifts at the library, and the blog sadly had to take a backseat for these past five days. I knew all year that these five days would be super hectic but I really underestimated people when they said that. Recruitment is unlike anything I have ever experienced, especially when it's on the other side.

It was five long, tiresome days of talking, chatting, waiting, sitting, early mornings and late nights but it was all worth it when we got to meet our new Alpha class yesterday evening. We called 66 babies home to Alpha Delta Pi and I not even 12 hours later and I've met some super sweet girls. Throughout the process I definitely learned a lot about myself, my strengths, my weaknesses, who my true friends are, and how to manage my time. I also realized how weak your immune system can get when you spend a week in a house with about 500 people. I am sitting here writing to you with absolutely no voice -- seriously I can't make a peep -- while chugging hot tea and water every thirty minutes. Good news, it's not bronchitis or anything too serious, just with all of the door chanting, constant talking, and being in such close quarters with everyone I caught the go greek bug and exhausted my vocal chords (according to the doctor). With some rest this weekend, staying hydrated, and some cough drops, I should be better in a matter of days.

With so many late nights and early mornings, homework was a difficult thing to get done. I did as much as I could to make due dates and deadlines but I am a student who loves to do work early and this past week I couldn't do that and for that reason, I feel like I'm behind. I know these next three school nights are going to be late playing catch up but that's the price you have to pay when you join a sorority. I knew this was coming and I knew I would have to manage my time. Also because you have such limited time, I didn't have time to cook anything. I would get home either super late at night or super early in the morning. I ended up having to order meals when we would go on break and when I would get home, I would spend my time doing homework, rather than cooking. I am excited to not spend any money on food for a while and just cook what I have in my fridge now that I have a little more time on my hands.

I was so happy that I brought my DSLR camera to the house on recruitment days and on bid day. As great as the iPhone 7 is, nothing compares to the great quality that my Canon can give me. Below are some pictures from philanthropy day, sisterhood round, and bidday. I was so sick on pref night I ended up having to stay home.

Flower crown ended up being a little (a lot) extra but I had to use what I had.

Truthfully, I don't know how I got on Sarah's shoulders. I was positive we were going to come crashing down!




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