A Christmas Party for the Ages
What an incredible weekend. I am truly blessed for all of the people in my life and all of the gifts that I have. These past few days have been absolutely incredible and are the definition of what the holiday spirit is all about. Surrounded my hundreds of friends, family, and loved ones I cannot be anymore grateful than I already am.
For me, weekends start off on Fridays. Even if I have work to do, Friday always is a time to wind down and just relax. The morning of the 15th I awoke to my entire house full of sweet smells. My mom was baking desserts for our Christmas party and spent all morning whipping up delicious treats. I helped her for a few hours before heading off to work at Lilly Pulitzer. I spent the evening helping people find Christmas gifts and the perfect dress for their winter getaway.
Saturday was the day of the party so we spent all morning cleaning and prepping for the evening. Once the party got started, the amount of excitement that poured into the home was incredible. So many friends and family members hung around, ate, drank, and caught up. Seriously, it was a great sight to see. The party had a guest list of about 200 people and was complete with catered food and a bartender. I have never been to something this nice or this fun!
Saturday night really embodied what this season is all about. There were no gifts or presents, just tons and tons of friends all gathering together to catch up and appreciate each other's company. Towards the end of the night we blasted the speakers ate the left over food and danced while we cleaned the whole house. A perfect way to end a perfect night.
Sunday was a lazy day where we all enjoyed a nice homemade brunch and naps all around. Towards the early evening, we traveled to my uncle's house where Santa surprised the little cousins. It's great seeing how excited the little kids all get when Santa arrives and it makes all of us college kids reminisce on what it was like when we were all in elementary school together. Don't you wish that you could to back to the second grade when you literally had no responsibilities except getting your weekly folder signed?
The busy weekend was the cause for the lack of blog posts. During my down time I was catching up on sleep or enjoying being with family and then times I was prepping for the party I was just way too bogged down to get working. I did get some great news yesterday though. I was accepted into the College of Arts and Letter as an official communication major. I worked so ridiculously hard this past semester in my two SCOM classes and I am so happy the work payed off. Soon, I'll mapping out how to choose and apply to your major so be on the lookout for that!
Finally, get excited y'all! Only one week until Christmas!