College Smarter, Not Harder
We're halfway through the semester which is crazy to me! There are only seven weeks until I'm out for summer vacation, but we're not there yet. For me, long nights of studying are just the worst and when it comes time to buckle down and invest in my schoolwork, I make a running list in my head of the things I could be doing rather than studying. Does anyone else feel the extreme urge to clean their room, bathroom, backpack, or closet when it comes time to study? I can't be the only one!
In order to overcome my reoccurring case of procrastination, I started to think of ways that would make me feel productive while studying. Quizzes do that, so I knew I needed to find something that would quiz me and help me review for my exams. Sometimes, sitting and re-reading notes and powerpoint gets dry and boring -- it's tough to focus when that happens. I have several ways to college smarter, not harder and one of those ways is the StudyWise apps from McGraw Hill Education.
The StudyWise app is such a great invention! It's comparable studying to McGraw Hill textbooks in a handful of popular subject areas. This semester, the American History app has been my saving grace. I study their quizzes when waiting in the Starbucks line, on the bus to and from campus, and before bed. These apps create personal study paths based off your correct and incorrect and answers as you study. The app also tracks your progress so you can literally see your success as you study. I think this is great so the app can motivate you to continue to study.
I used this app especially during midterms a few weeks back. The review section of the app helped me target my already mastered study sets, but still encouraged me to study the ones I didn't know as well as others. Even while I was waiting for the proctor to unlock the lecture hall the morning of my midterm, I sat on a bench outside and quickly reviewed the topics that gave me a little trouble before heading in to take the test. I walked out confident in my grade because of the StudyWise app!
You can easily download the StudyWise app of your subject of choice at the App Store. It's well worth the download and helps you stay on top of your studying while on the go. Every second counts in college, use some of that time to squeeze in some studying so you can college smarter, not harder.
Thank you, McGraw Hill Education and InfluenceHer Collective for sponsoring this post!