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Instagram Story Templates

Some of the most read posts on Daily Dose of Prep are my personal, life update posts where I go a little more "off the cuff" compared to other days. I try to be pretty transparent with you guys, but sometimes I just want to talk about fashion and lifestyle, and not share what's going on behind the scenes of DDP. I oftentimes forget that I'm a virtual friend, but in truth a stranger to many readers -- which is a high and heavy barrier to break in the blogging world. My favorites so far are from Prep Avenue. I have been seeing these fun and extremely creative Instagram templates all over Stories for two weeks now and I love them. They are so fun to fill out and read, but also extremely fun to create. I took on the challenge of designing a few templates yesterday and ended up loving the way they came out.

These Instagram story templates are fit perfectly for Stories and can download right to your phone. I stuck with navy and white so you can personalize them with whatever your favorite color is. If you choose to share them, tag me so I can get to know you! If you want to see my answers, click here to view my Instagram Story!


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