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Weekly Skinny April 18th

Two weeks y'all! Two weeks until summer. In fourteen days, I'll be unpacking my apartment in my house back at home, and getting back to working summer jobs. I still can't believe my sophomore year is almost over. I'm halfway through college -- crazy. Summer is so close, but there are so many things standing between me and my vacation. Between Greek Sing, three finals, a 20 page paper, a comic book presentation, and a career blog presentation, I'll be plenty busy from now until then. All that counts is that we're in the home stretch!

Pamplemousse La Croix -- I skipped class the other day because of a guest lecturer and ended up driving around Harrisonburg shopping for groceries. That particular day, I was actually kind of homesick and ended up parking on the Costco parking lot. As funny as it sounds, I have great childhood memories at Costco. Taking shopping trips on half days at school wandering around the store in our school uniforms, or racing my sisters on the example office chairs down the side aisles (until mom came and told us to knock it off lol). I walked around the store for maybe an hour and it felt like home, as strange as it seems. I ended up needing a few things and purchased the bulk pack of La Croix. The pack included Pamplemousse (grapefruit) and man is it the best flavor they make. I am a big fan of the apricot, but grapefruit was quick to take number one. You have to try it!

Man About Cake YouTube -- I don't have cable in my apartment so when I watch TV, it's through Hulu, HBONow, or Netflix. Truthfully, it's everything I need in terms of TV. The only thing that I miss out on sometimes is sports, but even then I can stream online through our cable account at home. I find that I love watching cooking videos through YouTube though, more than I like watching them on streaming sites. I think I've seen every video Tasty has ever made and I recently came across another account called Man About Cake. This channel shares how to make extravagant cakes using the simplest techniques. Although I'm not looking to get into the wedding cake industry, I love watching these 10-15 minute videos and see something beautiful transform.

The Amazing Race -- My older sister, Leslie, and I like a lot of the same TV shows. She was the one that turned me on to VEEP and Game of Thrones, so pretty much anytime she suggests a TV show for me to try, I usually do. I'm even starting to raid her bookshelf and dive into some of the same books she enjoyed, but that's a story for another day. She told me that she was loving The Amazing Race, so I thought I would give it a shot. Once again, she was right. The Amazing Race is so good. It's one of those shows I can devote all my attention to, but I can also keep it playing in the background while I'm doing homework or writing a paper.

Leave Your Mark -- I spent all weekend by the pool at my best friend, Sarah's, apartment reading and enjoying the 80 degree weather. I ended up finishing the first installment of The Selection series (which was fab by the way), and really dove into Leave Your Mark by Aliza Licht. I shared a little bit about this book already, but I can't explain how great it is. I have never been one for motivational, inspirational, or how-to books. I get enough instruction in class and at work, I just want a book to take me somewhere else whether it be the beach or a different world. That being said, I can't put this book down. Ever single page has taught me something new and I'm only on chapter five. I took a bath Friday night, lit a candle, and annotated this book for fun -- literally, who am I? The book was just released in paperback last week with at a lower price point so you have to get it while you can!

Fruit Espadrilles -- I've gushed about espadrilles before during the spring, but these are above and beyond any pair I have seen thus far. These fruit bowl espadrilles are way too cute for words, and I just have to get my hands on a pair! I love the neutral background and the fun pops of color the fruit add. Espadrilles are the best walking shoes and they're easy to dress up or down for any occasion, which is why I love them so much!

Denim Shift Dress -- Theory released a fabulous linen shift dress last month that retailed around $345. As much as I loved it, nothing in my right mind would ever convince me that I needed that dress. J. Crew released a white denim shift dress with almost the exact same silhouette just a few days ago. I love this dress for styling other things underneath of it. Whether it be styled on its own or with a button down, long sleeve tee, or turtleneck underneath, this dress can be so versatile from March all the way through September.


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