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Recruitment Dress You Need -- All Under $100

August is just about here which means that all you gals going back to school are prepping your dorms, ordering the last few things you need, and greeting ready for recruitment! This truly is the most exciting time of the school year I think and I want to make sure all you gals going through recruitment hoping to find your forever home are fully prepared. I shared a breakdown of recruitment here and a breakdown of the "other side" (aka the sister side) of recruitment here, so check those out too!

The big stressor of recruitment is finding the right outfits to wear throughout the entire week on the row. The first thing you should know, is you shouldn't feel the need to spend a ton of money. There are plenty of places you can purchase great recruitment dresses for inexpensive prices. After all, if you have recruitment in early September, odds are you're going to sweat right through them anyways. I wanted to share with you my favorite dresses for the earlier rounds of recruitment. When it comes to pref night, I would go with a dressier, more formal black, navy, or white dress and a good pair of heels, but any of the dresses below are perfect for the second and third rounds of recruitment. Style these dresses with your favorite pair of sandals (no flip flops!) or your go-to pair of heels. If you go the high heel route, keep comfort in mind. You'll be on your feet all day with not many breaks.

All the dresses I'm sharing below are all linked and in stock so you can shop them too in time for recruitment. It's important to understand thought that it's not what you wear to rush that chapters look for, it's who's wearing the clothing! We like to see your personality, your character, and your morals shine through. Just let the clothing be a big confidence booster throughout the weekends of recruitment!


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