July Recap in Pictures + a Video
I've returned home from vacation which means summer for me is just about over. July was busy though! Between internship events, birthday celebrations, and family vacation it seems like every single moment so far has been scheduled down to the very second. Despite the hectic month, it was a full of laughter and love, which is all I can ever ask for when I'm with my family and friends.
I've gotten much better at stopping and taking pictures of beautiful or intrersting places and have loved capturing moments and editing them. Today I want to share how life's been going over the past month in both text and photos -- here we go!
The month started with a work event in Loudoun County, Virginia to help promote 50 Years of Love on behalf of Virginia is for Lovers. A few PR team members made the two hour trip to a rest stop to interact with tourists passing through and locals returning home. We enjoyed the day in the sunshine celebrating one of the world's most beloved slogan "Virginia is for Lovers".
The following weekend started with Fourth of July celebrations and my birthday weekend! My family spent the Fourth of July doing absolutely nothing however, my sister did treat me to a pre-birthday margarita while we watched Wimbledon. The 5th started a weekend full of 21st birthday celebrations. The actual day of my birthday, my mom and I got pedicures and light lunch. We then travelled to Short Pump Town Center to enjoy a little bit of birthday shopping and gelato (because how can you pass a gelato shop and NOT STOP??). That evening, the family celebrated with a beautiful al fresco dinner at Portico. Pomegranate Spritz anyone??
The following day, Saturday, July 6th, local and college friends alike came to town to celebrate in downtown Richmond. From rooftop bars to shuffleboard and "YAS Queen" margaritas, we had an incredible time. My outfit I'm wearing is from the Zara sale and sadly sold out pretty quickly in late June!
The week following was quiet and full of work. Although an "average" week, mom and spent ever minute glued to the TV to watch Wimbledon matches and pack for our upcoming beach trip.
On Saturday, July 13th, we set off towards Virginia Beach for our annual Smith Family Vacation. Our house had 17 people in it, which was only about a third of the family! Every in the house (except for 3 people) were 21, so we spent a few nights out and made some pretty fantastic memories at Chicks Oyster Bar! We couldn't have asked for better weather and the ocean was the perfect temperature for swimming and surfing. My cousin, Anna, makes a beach video every year so make sure to watch below!
I have spent the last three days up to my eyeballs recruitment work. A few sorority sisters and I spent the day Saturday in Carytown in Richmond. We went to Chop Suey Bookstore, The Daily Kitchen, Plan 9 Records, and Fab'rik Boutique (a must visit!).
Now that I've returned home from vacation it's all business from here until I return to school in just 26 days (not that I'm counting or anything). Let me know what you want to read this August!