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My 22nd Birthday Wishlist

It's a weird year to celebrate your birthday. Truthfully I don't feel too much like celebrating, but in spite of the crazy year I think we've all experienced both personally and yet all at the same time, a lot has happened in the past 365 days. I started my senior year, and despite not necessarily finishing senior year, I still graduated. In fact, just yesterday, I received my diploma in the mail🎉. I held a frankly incredible internship that I still think about, I finished college, said goodbye to *some of* my friends (thanks Corona), got my first full-time job and moved to a new state! Although I'm setting into a new town which means celebrating alone, there's still a lot to be thankful for.

Every year I'm asked what I want for my birthday and I swear as I get older it gets harder to ask for gifts. But like the fabulous mother she is, on Monday my momma asked me for a list of things I would like for my birthday so here are eight things I've had my eye on but just can justify purchasing.

| one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight |

Louis Vuitton Look A Like Coin Purse - It's not the real thing, but it might as well be! This Louis look-a-like is only $17 and is perfect to attach to your keys or a belt loop on a night out. It comes in so many color ways and all it's missing is the Louis label.

VV Yankees Tee - In celebration of the upcoming shortened MLB season (thank GOD for Baseball) I'm back to looking at the VV Yankee tee. I've contemplated for a year whether or not I need this and although I ended up moving to Atlanta instead of NYC, I'm still a Yankees Fan. The Braves are in a different league though...can I root for two teams...right?

Steve Madden Gold Heels - These are the heels of my dreams! I've been searching high and low for an affordable pair of gold heeled sandals. These Steve Madden ones fit the bill perfectly.

Gold & Marble Wine Rack - My favorite part of my new apartment is the kitchen. It's the one area that's fully "furnished". My roommate and I are big wine drinkers and have been chatting about getting a wine rack to hold our bottles. This is the one I've had my eye on.

Baby Blue Vejas - I've almost bought Veja sneakers for two years now and every time I go to checkout I can never justify the purchase. I'm a total sneaker gal - from Old Skool Vans to Tretorns and Adidas, I can't get enough of stylish sneaks. This baby blue pair is the next on my wishlist.

Gold Sunglasses Chain - For my birthday, I treated myself to a new pair of sunglasses from Madewell (they were on 40% off sale!). They were only about $30 with the sale and my student ID stacked on top of one another and after the purchase I immediately went to Anthropologie across the way to see if this sunglasses strap was in stock. Sadly, they sold out earlier that morning and couldn't get my hands on one.

Velvet Desk Chair - The last piece of furniture I have on my shopping list is a desk chair. I'm looking for a blush pink velvet desk chair to match my comforter and room decor. This Wayfair chair is perfect but just out of budget.

Gold Swimsuit - I moved into an apartment with a great pool area. It wasn't necessarily on my "must have" list, but I'm really happy with how things worked out! This Triangl swimsuit set is one of my dreams. The gold glitter is so me and I love a structured bikini top! It's out of my budget so that's why it's on my list!



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