Welcome April
After a two week hiatus of not knowing what the f*ck has been going on, I'm back and ready to start blogging. Now that I'm no longer in school, and never will be again, I took the last 14 days to reassess what Daily Dose of Prep means to me and what I want it to be for you. For the past four years, Daily Dose of Prep has been my personal sanctuary to share my passions and interests with you. After all, I'm a little too deeply engrained in pop culture and online shopping to not share my wealth of knowledge with someone!
Since the pandemic started, I felt really guilty sharing posts featuring things to spend money on, especially since most aren't in the money spending mood. I also felt guilty sharing posts that only pertain to this temporary "new normal" we're living in. Those posts don't have a great shelf life and I don't know about you, but I can only read the Q-word so many times in a day before I go a little crazy.
Over the past two weeks, I've taken the time to transition from a full-time college student schedule, to an altered, work from home schedule. Truth be told, school doesn't take up half the time it used to. I went from 8a.m. to 5p.m. class to maybe spending six hours a week doing school work. I still work part-time for the library from home, but even so, I still have time on my hands to pump into new projects. These past two years, yes years, I felt like Daily Dose of Prep was on the back burner. Now I finally have the time to sit down and dedicate to DDP. After rearranging my schedule, I have created an April Project that hopefully will resonate with the readers of DDP and grow this wonderful community we've built.
This April Project is a full-time blog schedule where I will post to Daily Dose of Prep and Creme de la Corporate, my business development site, consistently for the next 30 days. Monday/Wednesday/Friday on DDP and Tuesday/Thursday on CDLC. I plan to up my social media game, my content creation and my two-way communication with readers. All the while tracking my analytics, engagement, and impressions. Through this, I will qualitatively analyze my work and see which tactics work, which don't, and which have promise but need to be improved upon. From there, I will share this with everyone and hopefully inspire those on in digital marketing to implement these findings.
So there it is - my reframed goal for April. I didn't know my April would be like this. I expected to still be sitting in a classroom, giving tours, and going to sorority formals. I expected to be interviewing for full-time jobs and buying graduation dresses. But, with this unexpected turn, I now have the time to try something new and fix what's been broken (in my eyes) for a long time.
Hopefully my April Project inspires you to establish your own project. Maybe make a dent in that reading list of yours or film YouTube videos or make an e-portfolio. In the mean time, pop on my April Playlist and get to work!
I love your determination! My WFH life seems to be the opposite of everyone else's haha. I feel like I am working harder than I did when I was at work lol so unfortunately, I have had even less motivation to blog ( or realign my priorities, probably). But I decided last night, starting April 1, that I would do a Q-word 1 second a day video! It might be boring, but it may force me to get creative!
It made me start a new game plan for my blog too! I’m in grad school and teach 5th grade so I totally understand what you mean by the blog felt like it was on the back burner because that’s how I felt!