The Best of 2018 & What I Learned
2018 was both the longest and shortest year of my life. When I think about how much I managed to pack into 365 days it feels like the...
What I Got for Christmas 2018 + Holiday Season Recap
We can all relax now that Christmas is over. It was a great holiday season for me and I hope you and your family enjoyed the season as...
Weekly Skinny: December 12
Back with another weekly skinny during this crazy finals week! Today, I take my first final after turning in a slew of papers and final...
Heels + a Casual Outfit
These Chanel sling back dupes have been everywhere recently. I kept seeing them on my Pinterest feed last winter and finally found a...
November Wishlist
A week in and it's already all Christmas music and holiday commercials. As much as I love seeing so many gift guides already published on...
Shenandoah Lake in November
In a pinch to take photos the other day, I started researching fall trails in the Shenandoah Valley that I could quickly visit to snap a...
Three "Put Together" Casual Outfits
I rarely wear jeans unless I have to. A big part of it is because I walk all over campus every day of the week and leggings are just more...
Forget the Rules
Forget what you've heard, you can wear white jeans past Labor Day. I know it seems like traditional fashion exiles those who style white...
Weekly Skinny: October 3rd
Can it be Friday already? Do you know the stress you feel when a crazy busy week that sneaks up on you? That's me. Right now. The crazy...
On the Eve of Junior Year
And just like that, summer's gone. Four months flew by in the blink of an eye and now I find myself sitting here at 11:07 pm on the eve...